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Regional Data Festival

2024 Regional Data Festival Banner

"The two-day data festival is for students and early-career statistics professionals interested in statistics, data science and data analytics in both the public and private sectors. It will feature various presentations on the Role of Data in Local and National Evidence- based Policy Making, Current Trends on Big Data and Data Analytics, Macroeconomy and Finance, Health, Women and Gender, Education and Literacy, Poverty, and Population among others. There will also be open discussions, expositions, games (Vest in Stat), and contests (Data Reporting and Infographics Making)."

This will be conducted in connection with the PSA’s 10th year anniversary as the agency continues its commitment to produce high quality statistics and promote a responsive and relevant statistical system capable of providing and communicating timely, accurate and useful data to the government and the public.

Specifically, the data festival will:

  1. instill appreciation and enhance statistical literacy on official statistics among students;

  2. enjoin the academe in the advocacy of statistics;

  3. strengthen partnerships and foster collaboration with other government offices, civil society organizations, and the private sector; and

  4. promote proper interpretation and use of official statistics among media practitioners.