Twelve births per thousand population
In 2024, Catanduanes recorded a total of 3,559 live births which corresponds to a crude birth rate of 12.32 or approximately 12 births per thousand population in the province.
Municipality of San Andres had the highest crude birth rate with 15.06 or 15 births per thousand population while municipality of Bagamanoc had the lowest crude birth rate with 10.70 or 11 births per thousand population.

Municipality of Virac with the highest occurrence of births recorded
Municipality of Virac had the highest number of births, with 975 babies or 27.7 percent of the total births in Catanduanes. San Andres ranked second with 581 births, representing 16.5 percent of the total. On the other hand, the Municipality of Panganiban had the fewest births, with only 118 babies born, or 3.4 percent of the total births in the province for the same year.

More males were born than females
Out of the total 3,522 live births, 51.0 percent were males while 49.0 percent were females. This resulted to a birth sex ratio of 104 males for every 100 females born.
More male babies were born to mothers with usual residence in municipalities of Virac, San Andres, Caramoran, Viga, Baras and Panganiban than in municipalities of Pandan, Bato, San Miguel, Gigmoto and Bagamanoc.

Fifty one births per thousand women aged 15-49 years old
The computed general fertility rate is 50.62 or 51 births per thousand women who are aged 15- 49 years old in the province.

Six out of ten babies born illegitimate
In 2024, a total of 2,257 babies or 64.1 percent of all registered births in 2024 were illegitimate or born out of wedlock to mothers with usual residence in Catanduanes. Among these, 1,053 babies (46.7 percent), were born to mothers aged 18 to 25 years old. Additionally, 575 babies (25.5 percent) were born to mothers aged 26 to 30 years old.

Municipality of Baras had the highest percentage of babies born illegitimate
Higher number of births across all municipalities in Catanduanes born illegitimate or out of wedlock than those born to married parents. The Municipality of Baras had the highest percentage of illegitimate babies with 70.5 percent or 124 babies of the total 176 births in Baras.

99 in 100 birth deliveries were medically attended
Out of 3,522 births, 98.7 percent or 3,477 were attended by health professionals (physician, nurse and midwife). The remaining 1.2 percent of births or 44 were delivered by hilot/ traditional birth attendants and others.

Ninety nine in 100 births delivered in health facilities
In 2024, 98.6 percent or 3,472 births were delivered in a health facility, which was either in a hospital or birthing home while about 1.4 percent or 50 births were delivered at home.

Live Birth – this refers to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy, which after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life.
Crude Birth Rate – this refers to the number of live births occurring during a calendar year per thousand population. It is computed using the formula below:
General Fertility Rate – this is the number of live births per thousand women aged 15-49 years in a given year. This is somewhat a more refined measure than the birth rate because it relates to the age-sex group at risk of giving birth (usually defined women ages 15-49). It is computed using the formula below: