Reported deaths in 2021 reached 50,410, an increase of 44.9% from 34,789 registered deaths in 2020. This is equivalent to a crude death rate (CDR) of 8.1, or about eight (8) persons per thousand population. In 2021, an average of 138 persons died daily or 6 deaths per hour in Bicol Region.
Most number of deaths reported in Camarines Sur
The most number of registered deaths by usual residence occurred in Camarines Sur with 17,078 (33.9%), followed by Albay with 12,027 (23.9%), Sorsogon with 7,333 (14.5%), Masbate with 6,356 (12.6%), Camarines Norte with 5,290 (10.5%) and Catanduanes with 2,326 (4.6%). The combined shares of these six (6) provinces accounted 5. 7% to the total registered deaths in the country in 2021.
More male deaths than female in 2021
The most number of deaths in Bicol Region occurred mostly among males with 28,151 or 55.8% registered deaths in 2021, females, on the other hand shared 42.2% or 22,259 deaths in the region The registered deaths resulted to a sex ratio of 127 males per 100 females, which is indicative of higher survival rate of females than males. (Table 1)

Figure 2 shows the age and sex pattern of deaths in 2021. It reflects an inverted pyramid, with fewer deaths at the younger ages, except for children under one, and progressively increasing as people mature. Highest proportion of males died at the age of 70 to 74 years (11.8% or 3,322 deaths) and was closely shared by age bracket 65 to 69 years (11.4% or 3,217 deaths) while largest proportion of females (18.1% or 4,020) died in their oldest age group, 85 years and over.
Less than half of registered deaths attended by health care provider
Medically attended deaths are those attended by a physician, public health officer, hospital authority or any other allied health care provider. In 2021, out of 50,410 registered deaths in Bicol Region, 21,269 (42.2%) were medically attended and 27,808 (55.2%) were unattended. (Table 2).

Figure 3 shows number of deaths by usual residence and attendance at death. Albay registered the most number of medically attended deaths in 2021 with 29.2% or 6,221 deaths. Camarines Sur, on the other hand, registered the most number of medically unattended deaths in 2021 with 10,711 or about 38.5% of the registered deaths in the province. In 2021, 4 of the 6 provinces in Bicol Region (Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Masbate and Sorsogon) had more unattended deaths compared to its death attended by health care provider.
More than half of the registered deaths occurred at home
In 2021, 66.6% or 33,551 of the total deaths in Bicol Region occurred at home while 33.0% or 16,658 died in any health facilities. However, about 0.4% of the registered deaths died in places other than home and health facilities. Such places may include street, public places, on board a vehicle, airplane or vessel while in transit, among others.

September had the most number of deaths
The most registered deaths per month in Bicol Region was noted in September with 6,097. The average number of deaths registered per day was at 203 or about 9 deaths per hour. The month of February had the least number of deaths with 3,270 or about 109 deaths registered per day or about 5 deaths per hour.

Table 3 shows leading causes of death in Bicol Region in 2021. Deaths due to Acute myocardial infarction was the highest contributor to the total deaths, making up 13.8% (6,951) of the total registered deaths. This was followed by Pneumonia (Organism unspecified), with 2,998 or 5.9%, and Stroke with 2,357 or 4.7%. New entrant to the leading cause of deaths in 2021 is COVID-19 (virus identified) with 2,132 or 4.2%. Other cerebrovascular diseases registered 1,754 deaths or 3.5%, Respiratory tuberculosis (not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically) with 1,597 or 3.2%, Type 2 diabetes mellitus with 1,577 or 3.1%, Intracerebral haemorrhage with 1,508 or 3.0%, and Hypertensive heart disease with 1,430 or 2.8%, deaths, respectively.
Infant deaths reached 1,235 in 2021
Infant deaths are deaths that occurred before reaching age 1. In Bicol Region, 1,235 infant deaths were registered in 2021. This is about 21.7% increase from the 1,015 registered infant deaths in 2020. About 55.5% or 686 deaths were males and about four out of ten deaths were females (44.5% or 549).

Camarines Sur recorded the most registered infant deaths by usual residence with about 36.8% or 455 deaths while Catanduanes had the least number of infant deaths with about 4.9% or 60 registered deaths. (Figure 6)