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Vital Events of Albay: January to September 2023

The data on the number of births, marriages, and deaths (vital events) presented in this regular monthly release were obtained from the vital events registered, either timely or belatedly, at the…

Men and Women Statistics in Albay

In the province of Albay, males constituted 50.6% (695,486) of the total household population. The females comprised the household population by 49.4% or 679,282 based on the 2020 Census of…

Age and Sex Distribution of the Bicol Region Population (2020 Census of Population and Housing)

Based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH}, Bicol Region had a total population of 6,082,165 persons. Of this total, the household population comprised 99.8 percent or 6,067,290…