Roman Catholics account for 78.8 percent of the household population
Of the 6,067,290 household population in 2020, about nine-tenths or 5,670,993 persons (93.5%) reported Roman Catholic as their religious affiliation. It was followed by Iglesia ni Cristo with 95,693 persons (1.6%), and Seventh Day Adventist with 23,730 persons (0.4%). Completing the top ten religious affiliations in 2020 are Aglipay (0.4%); Jehovah's Witness and Iglesia Filipina lndependiente (0.3% each), Bible Baptist Church, United Church of Christ in the Philippines, Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, and Assemblies of God (0.2% each) (Table 1)

Bicol Region has the highest proportion of household population with Roman Catholic as religion
Of the 17 regions in the country, Region V- Bicol Region posted the highest proportion of Roman Catholics, comprising 93.5 percent of its household population. It was followed by Region VIII - Eastern Visayas with 92.3 percent, and Region VII- Central Visayas with 90.5 percent (Table 2).

Albay leads the provinces in Bicol with the highest proportion of Roman Catholics
Among the provinces in the region, Albay had the highest proportion of household population who reported Roman Catholic as their religious affiliation with 1.32 million persons or 96.2 percent of the 1.37 million household population in the province. It was followed by Catanduanes (95.6%) and Sorsogon (94.0%) (Table 3).

The statistics presented in this Special Release were based on the information provided by the respondent pertaining to all members of the household. In the 2020 Census of Population and Housing, data on the Religious Affiliation of all household members were collected by asking the respondent, "What is __ 's religious affiliation?".