Sixty percent of the population 15 years old and over were in the labor force
The number of Catandunganon 15 years old and over who were in the labor force was 108 thousand of the estimated 180 thousand population 15 years old and over in 2023. This translates to a labor force participation rate (LFPR) of 59.9 percent or 60 in every 100 Catandunganon 15 years old and over who were either employed or unemployed. (Table 1)

Employment rate registered at 93.1 percent
In 2023, the total number of employed persons was estimated at 101 thousand or 93.1 percent Catandunganon who were at work or with a job out of 108 thousand Catandunganon in the labor force. This was an increase of 0.8 percent from the 92.3 employment rate in 2022. The employment rate of 94.3 percent in 2019 dropped to 90.0 percent in 2020 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted economic activities and caused a temporary reduction in employment opportunities. While the employment rate bounced back to 93.2 percent in 2021. There was a subsequent decrease in 2022 to 92.3 percent then recovered in 2023 at 93.1 percent. (Figure 1)

Unemployment rate listed at 6.9 percent
From 2019 to 2023, Catanduanes witnessed fluctuations in its unemployment rate and corresponding unemployed population. In 2019, the unemployment rate stood at 5.7 percent with 5,916 individuals unemployed. However, the unemployment rate surged to 10.0 percent in 2020, coinciding with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in 10,248 unemployed individuals. Despite a slight decrease to 6.8 percent in 2021, representing 7,487 unemployed individuals, the unemployment rate rose again in 2022 to 7.7 percent, with 8,738 individuals unable to secure employment. Unemployment rate decrease again to 6.9 percent in 2022 with 7,434 individuals. (Table 2)

Underemployment rate in 2023 reached 21.9 percent
Employed persons who expressed the desire to have additional hours of work in their present job or to have additional job, or to have a new job with longer working hours are considered underemployed.
The number of underemployed persons was estimated at 22 thousand in 2023. This accounted for 21.9 percent of the total employed persons. (Figure 3)

The Labor Force Survey (LFS) is a nationwide monthly survey of households conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) to gather data on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population. The conduct of monthly labor force survey starting in 2018 led to the generation of the Provincial Labor Force data on employment, unemployment, underemployment and labor force participation rate.
Labor Force - refers to the population 15 years old and over who contribute to the production of goods and services in the country. It comprises the employed and unemployed.
Employed - consists of persons in the labor force who are reported either as at work or with a job or business although not at work. Persons at work are those who did some work, even for an hour during the reference period.
Unemployed - consists of persons in the labor force who are reported as (1) without work; and (2) currently available for work; and (3) seeking work or not seeking work because of the belief that no work is available, or awaiting results of previous job application, or because of temporary illness or disability, bad weather or waiting for rehire or job recall.
Underemployed - refers to the employed persons who express the desire to have additional hours of work in their present job or an additional job, or have a new job with longer working hours.
Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) - proportion of total labor force to the total household population 15 years and over.
Employment Rate - proportion of employed persons to the total labor force.
Unemployment Rate - proportion of unemployed persons to the total labor force.
Underemployment Rate - proportion of underemployed persons to total employed
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