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Six deaths per thousand population 


The number of deaths reported in Catanduanes in 2024 reached 1,803 which is equivalent to a crude death rate of 6.26 or six deaths per thousand population.

Municipality of Panganiban had the highest crude death rate with 18.81 or 19 deaths per thousand population while municipality of San Andres had the lowest crude death rate with 1.27 or one death per thousand population.

Municipality of Virac with the highest occurrence of deaths recorded

Municipality of Virac had the highest number of deaths, with 506 or 28.4 percent of the total deaths in Catanduanes. San Andres ranked second with 274 deaths, representing 15.4 percent of the total. On the other hand, municipality of Panganiban had the fewest deaths, with 49 deaths, or 2.7 percent of the total deaths in the province for the same year.

More male deaths than female recorded in 2024

56.2 percent of the total deaths that occurred in Catanduanes for 2024 were male while 43.8 percent were female. Among the 11 municipalities, Virac had the highest number of male and female deaths with 285 and 221 respectively. Municipalities of Bagamanoc and Panganiban had the least number of reported male deaths with 30 deaths or 3.0 percent while municipality of Panganiban had the least number of female deaths with 19 reported deaths or 2.4 percent. 

21.9 percent of deaths recorded in 2024 were aged 71-80

Of the total deaths in Catanduanes reported in 2024, 21.9 percent or 391 deaths were aged 

71-80 years old. This is followed by aged 61-70 years old with 326 deaths or 18.3 percent.


Higher number of registered male deaths than female deaths belong to aged 1-80 years old while more female deaths were registered below one year old and and 81-100 years old.


Highest number of fetal and infant deaths recorded in Virac

Virac had the highest number of fetal deaths in 2024 with 20 deaths while municipalities of Viga, Caramoran, Bato, Pandan and San Andres had one fetal death. Municipalities of Panganiban, Baras, Bagamanoc, San Miguel and Gigmoto had zero fetal death. 


Forty-eight infant deaths were recorded in Catanduanes in 2024 which translates to infant death rate of 14. Of the total recorded infant deaths in 2024, 41.7 percent were from municipality of Virac and 14.6 percent were from municipality of San Andres.  


All municipalities except Viga recorded infant deaths of which Virac had the highest number of infant deaths recorded with 20. Second in rank was San Andres with seven recorded infant deaths and municipalities of Gigmoto, San Miguel and Pandan with four recorded infant deaths. Municipalities of Bato and Caramoran with two infant deaths. On the other hand, municipalities of Bagamanoc, Baras and Panganiban had the lowest number of infant death with one recorded in 2024. 


Moreover, 48 infant deaths, wherein 19 males and 29 females, were recorded in the same year.


Total six maternal deaths recorded in 2024


There were six maternal deaths recorded in 2024 in Catanduanes. Two maternal deaths from San Andres. One maternal death from municipalities of Virac, Caramoran, Bato and Bagamanoc.

Vehicular accidents highest in external causes of deaths

Among 54 deaths due to external causes recorded in the province during the year, vehicular accident was the highest, with 24 deaths or 44.4 percent of the total. Suicides with 16 deaths or 29.6 percent, accidents with eight deaths or 14.8 percent, drownings with four deaths or 7.4 percent and fall with two deaths or 3.7 percent.  



Top underlying causes of death


Out of the total 1,782 deaths with usual residence in Catanduanes, 28.2 percent did not state the underlying cause of death upon registration. The highest number of underlying cause of deaths in diseases is Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease with 155 deaths or 8.7 percent. Next in rank in diseases as the underlying cause of death is Ischemic Heart Disease with 50 deaths or 2.8 percent. Hypertension and Coronary Artery Disease both caused 28 deaths or 1.6 percent.





Death – this refers to the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live birth has taken place



Crude Death Rate – This refers to the number of deaths occurring during a calendar year per thousand population. It is computed using the formula below: 

Infant Death Ratio – This refers to the number of infant deaths occurring during a calendar year per thousand births. It is computed using the formula below:



Fetal Death Ratio – This refers to the number of fetal deaths occurring during a calendar year per thousand births. It is computed using the formula below: 

External Causes of Death – These relate to cases where the underlying cause of death is determined to be one of a group of causes external to the body. Examples are suicide, transport accidents, falls, poisoning, etc. 







The number of deaths reported in Catanduanes in 2024 reached 1,803 which is equivalent to a crude death rate of 6.26 or six deaths per thousand population.

Special Release: January to July 2024 Vital Events in Bicol Region (Preliminary as of 31 October 2024)

Data on births, marriages and deaths presented in this release were obtained from the Certificates of Live Birth (Municipal Form No. 102), Certificates of Marriage (Municipal Form No. 97) and the…

Bicol Region Vital Events for January to May 2024

Data on births, marriages and deaths presented in this release were obtained from the Certificates of Live Birth (Municipal Form No. 102), Certificates of Marriage (Municipal Form No. 97) and the…