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A. Lifetime Migration

In 2020, out of the 5.39 million household population aged five years and over, 1.20 million (22.2%) were "lifetime migrants". These  are the persons whose current city/municipality of residence is different from the usual place of residence (city/municipality) of their mother at the time of their birth. In the 2020 CPH, the usual residence of the mother at the time of birth of the household member was used as proxy indicator/variable for the person's place of birth (Table 1 and Figure 1).

Of the 1.20 million lifetime migrants, 541 thousand persons (10.0%) migrated from a different city/municipality but within the same province, 653 thousand persons (12.1%) migrated from a different province, and 3,966 persons (0.1 %) migrated from a foreign country. (Table  1)

Table 1. Percent Distribution of Lifetime Migrants and Non-Migrants Based on Residence of the Mother at the Time of Birth of the Household Member: Bicol Region, 2020

Approximately 4.18 million persons or 77 .6 percent of the household population aged five years and over were "non-migrants", that  is, those persons whose current city/municipality of residence is the same as the usual residence of their mother at the time of their birth. (Table 1 and Figure 1).

Fig. 1. Percent Distribution of the Household Population Five Years Old and Over by Residence of the Mother at the Time of Birth of the Household Member: Bicol Region, 2020


B. Migration Over the Past Five Years

About 95. 6 percent of household population are non-movers over the past five years

Of the 5.39 million  household population aged five years and over, 5.15 million persons (95.6%) were "non-movers". These are the persons whose city/municipality of residence in 2020 is the same five years ago, that is, in 2015. This registered proportion of non-movers in Bicol Region is higher than the national figure of 95.5 percent (Table 2).

On the other hand, 233,199 persons or 4.3 percent of the household population five years old and over were "movers". These are the persons whose city/municipality of residence in 2020 was different from their city/municipality of residence five years ago (Table 2).

Table 2. Household Population Five Years old and Over by Residence Five Years Ago (2015) and Region of Residence in 2020: Bicol Region, 2020


Almost three-fifths of movers in the past five years are domestic long-distance movers

Among the movers,  almost three-fifths (59.6%) were "domestic long-distance movers", that is, those persons, in May 2020 resided in a province, which is different from their province of residence in May 2015. Moreover, 36.2 percent were "domestic short-distance" movers, or those whose residence in May 2015 was in another city or municipality but within the same province of their residence in 2020 (Figure2).

Meanwhile, "immigrants" or those who resided in a foreign country in 2015 but were reported as residents of the Bicol Region in 2020 were accounted for 4.2 percent.

Fig. 2. Percent Distribution of Movers for the Past Five Years by Type: Bicol Region, 2020


C. Overseas Workers

Overseas workers comprise 1. 7 percent of the household population 15 years old and over

In 2020, about 67,477 persons in Bicol Region or 1.7  percent of the household population 15 years old and over were overseas workers. Of this total overseas workers, 53.1 percent were females while 46.9 percent were males.

Bicol Region accounted for 3.4 percent of the total overseas workers in the country

Table 3. Household Population of Overseas Workers by Sex: Bicol Region, 2020


The 2020 CPH was undertaken by the Philippine Statistics Authority  pursuant to Republic Act No. 10625, also known as the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013, Executive Order No. 352 -- Designation of Statistical Activities That Will Generate Critical Data for Decision-Making of the Government and the Private Sector, and Batas Pambansa (BP) Bilang 72, which provide the basis for the decennial conduct of the integrated census of population and housing.

May 2020 was declared as the National Census Month  pursuant to Proclamation No. 928, s. 2020, which provided that the 2020 CPH be conducted in  May 2020, with 01 May 2020 as the census reference date.  However, in light of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the census enumeration was moved to September 2020. Information on the count of the population was collected with  12:01 AM of 01 May 2020 as the reference time and date,  in accordance with the provisions indicated under BP 72.

President Rodrigo  Roa Duterte has declared official for all purposes the population counts by province, city/municipality, and barangay based on the 2020 CPH under Proclamation No. 1179 dated 06 July 2021. The population counts were based on census questionnaires administered by about 6,218 enumerators deployed by the region during the nationwide census taking.







Special Release Migration and Overseas Workers in Bicol Region (2020 Census of population and Housing)

In 2020, out of the 5.39 million household population aged five years and over, 1.20 million (22.2%) were "lifetime migrants". These are the persons whose current city/…